Kavya Wadhwa

Currently pursuing my B.Sc at Pandit Deendayal Energy University, I am immersing myself in the captivating realms of Nuclear and High-Energy Physics (HEP). With a profound passion for particle physics, I am driven to explore the universe’s fundamental secrets through intricate interactions. My interest extends to the field of Computational Physics and Simulation, where I’m working to harness the power of Python for modeling. Additionally, I am delving into the realm of Machine Learning to further enhance my skills. This journey is fueled by an unyielding curiosity to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos and contribute to groundbreaking research in Nuclear and HEP

About Kavya!

My fascination with physics has led me to delve deeply into the realms of Nuclear and High-Energy Physics (HEP). I’m captivated by the prospect of unraveling the universe’s mysteries through particle interactions and studying extreme matter conditions. I’ve completed the ‘Particle Physics: Introduction’ course from the University of Geneva and the IAEA’s Radiation Safety Navigator program, enriching my understanding of nuclear research practices. Additionally, I’ve explored the societal aspects of nuclear energy through a course offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology titled ‘Nuclear Science: System and Society’.

My enthusiasm extends to the field of computational physics, where simulations provide fresh insights. I’m also dedicated to honing my skills in Python and delving into Machine Learning. With an unyielding curiosity and a passion for particle physics, my ultimate aspiration is to contribute to groundbreaking research in the realms of Nuclear and HEP, striving to expand our comprehension of the cosmos.